How to evaluate and choose the right Generative AI for your enterprise?


How to evaluate and choose the right Generative AI for your enterprise?

This guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and insights you need to make an informed decision, when choosing Generative AI for your enterprise?

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, generative AI is becoming a cornerstone for innovation and efficiency.

As a CIO, CDO, IT Director, or a key stakeholder, you're likely already aware of the transformative potential of AI.

However, choosing the right generative AI solution for your enterprise is a complex task that requires a nuanced approach.

This guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and insights you need to make an informed decision.

Why choose Generative AI?

Generative AI holds immense potential for automating creative tasks, from content creation to code writing and beyond.

When aligned with specific business needs, it can revolutionise operations, drive revenue, and unlock efficiencies.

However, it's essential to evaluate whether generative AI is the right solution for your unique challenges.

Consider the following:

Business Case: Automating Content Creation in Marketing

Generative AI can be a game-changer for automating tasks like content creation, enabling your marketing team to focus on strategy rather than repetitive tasks.

Key Questions:

  • Is generative AI aligned with your business objectives?
  • Can traditional machine learning solutions effectively address your needs?
  • What are the computational resources required for implementing generative AI?

What type of Generative AI do you need?

Generative AI models come in various flavours, each with its own set of capabilities.

These can range from text-to-text, text-to-image, text-to-video, and more.

It's crucial to identify the specific type of generative AI that aligns with your use case. Ask yourself:

Example: Customer Service Chatbots

For enterprises dealing with high volumes of customer queries, generative AI can power chatbots that handle routine questions, allowing human agents to focus on more complex issues.

Key Considerations:

  • What functionalities do you require? (e.g., content generation, chatbots, etc.)
  • Is the scope of tasks broad or specific?
  • What are the cost, security, and performance considerations for each type?

How to Adopt Generative AI?

In this section, we delve deeper into the three primary approaches for adopting generative AI, outlining the pros and cons of each.

1. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Vendor-controlled and easy to deploy but may lack customisation.


  • Quick Deployment: SaaS solutions are generally plug-and-play, requiring minimal setup time.
  • Low Maintenance: The vendor takes care of updates, security, and performance optimisation.
  • Cost-Effective: No need for in-house expertise or infrastructure.


  • Limited Customisation: You are restricted to the features offered by the vendor.
  • Data Privacy: Your data may be stored on external servers, posing a potential security risk.

Example: Copy.AI for content generation

2. Model-as-a-Service (MaaS) via API: High-quality models with faster response times but potential data privacy concerns.


  • Quality and Performance: Vendors usually offer high-quality, well-maintained models.
  • Scalability: Easy to scale as your needs grow.
  • Moderate Customisation: Some level of customisation is possible through API parameters.


  • Data Privacy Concerns: Your data may leave your local environment.
  • Dependency on Vendor: If the vendor discontinues the service, it could disrupt your operations.

Example: OpenAI's GPT-3 for natural language tasks

3. Self-Hosted Open-Source Models: Full control and customisation but requires extensive setup and expertise.


  • Full Control: Complete control over the model, data, and customisation.
  • Data Privacy: All data remains within your local environment.
  • No Vendor Lock-in: You are not dependent on any third-party services.


  • High Setup Cost: Requires initial investment in infrastructure and expertise.
  • Maintenance: You are responsible for updates, security, and performance optimisation.

Example: Hugging Face's Transformers library

Comparison Table:

Here is a summarised table of the pros and cons of each of the three approaches:

Pros and cons of the three primary approaches to Generative AI adoption

Recommendations & Best Practices

  • Data Sensitivity: For sectors like healthcare and legal, where data sensitivity is paramount, self-hosted open-source models are advisable.
  • Quick Deployment: If you need a quick rollout, SaaS or MaaS via API are your best bets.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Always conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis considering not just the setup cost but also long-term maintenance.


The journey to adopting generative AI is fraught with choices and considerations.

However, with the right approach and guidance, it can be a transformative experience for your enterprise.

This guide aims to be that trusted resource for you.

For further consultation and to explore how generative AI can revolutionise your business, feel free to reach out to us at Aligne.

This guide is brought to you by Aligne, experts in AI and digital transformation.